Breast Cancer Survival Vegetable
Simple changes in diet and lifestyle may quadruple a woman’s survival rate from breast cancer....
Simple changes in diet and lifestyle may quadruple a woman’s survival rate from breast cancer....
Methionine restriction—best achieved through a plant-based diet—may prove to have a major impact on patients with cancer because, unlike normal tissues, many human tumors require the amino acid methionine to...
Nori seaweed snacks may favorably alter estrogen metabolism by modulating women's gut flora, resulting in decreased breast cancer...
Cancer cells are commonly present in the body, but cannot grow into tumors without hooking up a blood supply. Angiogenesis inhibitors in plant foods may help prevent this from...
Pediatric CAT scans are estimated to cause hundreds of cancer deaths every...
In a double-blind study, lavender oil worked as well as the valium-like drug lorazepam (Ativan) for relief of persistent anxiety, though there are concerns about estrogenic...
Modest lifestyle changes that include the avoidance of alcohol may cut the odds of breast cancer in half, but certain grapes appear to contain natural aromatase inhibitors that may undermine the ability of breast tumors to produce their own...
Drug companies and supplement manufacturers have yet to isolate the components of cranberries that suppress cancer cell...