Лектины в продуктах - полезны или вредны?
Способны ли лектины объяснить, почему у тех, кто съедает больше бобовых и цельных зерновых, рак встречается реже?
Способны ли лектины объяснить, почему у тех, кто съедает больше бобовых и цельных зерновых, рак встречается реже?
Pediatric CAT scans are estimated to cause hundreds of cancer deaths every year.
Gargling, as commonly practiced in Japan, can not only soothe a sore throat, but may even prevent one.
Nori seaweed snacks may favorably alter estrogen metabolism by modulating women's gut flora, resulting in decreased breast cancer risk.
The intake of legumes—beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils—may be the single most important dietary predictor of a long lifespan. But what about concerns about intestinal gas?
Instead of treating sensitive skin topically, with lotions and creams, why not treat it from the inside out—with diet?
Vegans consuming 7 to 18 servings of soy foods a day may end up with circulating IGF-1 levels comparable to those who eat meat.
What happens when men with prostate cancer and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) are placed on a relatively low-fat diet, supplemented with ground flax seeds?
To maintain the low IGF-1 levels associated with a plant-based diet, one should probably eat no more than 3-5 servings of soy foods a day.
The majority of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima nuclear power plant tragedy was absorbed by the Pacific Ocean. What does that mean for seafood safety?
The natural sweetener erythritol does not appear to carry the adverse effects associated with other non- and low-caloric natural and artificial sweeteners, and may actually have antioxidant potential.
Levels of flame-retardant chemical pollutants (PBDEs) in the tissues of women from around the world are compared.
Способны ли лектины объяснить, почему у тех, кто съедает больше бобовых и цельных зерновых, рак встречается...
The intake of legumes—beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils—may be the single most important dietary predictor of a long lifespan. But what about concerns about intestinal gas?...
Nori seaweed snacks may favorably alter estrogen metabolism by modulating women's gut flora, resulting in decreased breast cancer...
Pediatric CAT scans are estimated to cause hundreds of cancer deaths every...
The majority of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima nuclear power plant tragedy was absorbed by the Pacific Ocean. What does that mean for seafood...
Instead of treating sensitive skin topically, with lotions and creams, why not treat it from the inside out—with...
What happens when men with prostate cancer and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) are placed on a relatively low-fat diet, supplemented with ground flax...
Gargling, as commonly practiced in Japan, can not only soothe a sore throat, but may even prevent one....