Can Gargling Prevent the Common Cold? д-р Майкл Грегер 20 января 2013 Альбом 12 Стенограмма Эллен Уайт, , c. , год:"" Источники Satomura K, Kitamura T, Kawamura T, Shimbo T, Watanabe M, Kamei M, Takano Y, Tamakoshi A; Great Cold Investigators-I. Prevention of upper respiratory tract infections by gargling: a randomized trial. Am J Prev Med. 2005 Nov;29(4):302-7. Sakai M, Shimbo T, Omata K, Takahashi Y, Satomura K, Kitamura T, Kawamura T, Baba H, Yoshihara M, Itoh H; Great Cold Investigators-I. Cost-effectiveness of gargling for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections. BMC Health Serv Res. 2008 Dec 16;8:258. Kitamura T, Satomura K, Kawamura T, Yamada S, Takashima K, Suganuma N, Namai H, Komura Y; Great Cold Investigators-I. Can we prevent influenza-like illnesses by gargling?. Intern Med. 2007 46(18):1623-4. Noda T, Ojima T, Hayasaka S, Murata C, Hagihara A. Gargling for oral hygiene and the development of fever in childhood: a population study in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2012 22(1):45-9. Sato K, Ohmori T, Shiratori K, Yamazaki K, Yamada E, Kimura H, Takano K. Povidone iodine-induced overt hypothyroidism in a patient with prolonged habitual gargling: urinary excretion of iodine after gargling in normal subjects. Intern Med. 2007 46(7):391-5. Fendrick AM, Monto AS, Nightengale B, Sarnes M. The economic burden of non-influenza-related viral respiratory tract infection in the United States. Arch Intern Med. 2003 Feb 24;163(4):487-94. Michael Greger M.D. FACLM. Can Gargling Prevent the Common Cold?., vol. 12, 20.02.2013. [] Эллен Уайт, , c. , год Темы Япония болезни щитовидной железы больное горло вода грипп дети здоровье гортани здоровье щитовидной железы зеленый чай йод ламинария лихорадка полоскание горла простуда респираторные инфекции соль чай СМОТРЕТЬ СТЕНОГРАММУ ЦИТИРУЕМЫЕ ИСТОЧНИКИ ТЕМЫ Эллен Уайт, , c. , год:"" Satomura K, Kitamura T, Kawamura T, Shimbo T, Watanabe M, Kamei M, Takano Y, Tamakoshi A; Great Cold Investigators-I. Prevention of upper respiratory tract infections by gargling: a randomized trial. Am J Prev Med. 2005 Nov;29(4):302-7. Sakai M, Shimbo T, Omata K, Takahashi Y, Satomura K, Kitamura T, Kawamura T, Baba H, Yoshihara M, Itoh H; Great Cold Investigators-I. Cost-effectiveness of gargling for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections. BMC Health Serv Res. 2008 Dec 16;8:258. Kitamura T, Satomura K, Kawamura T, Yamada S, Takashima K, Suganuma N, Namai H, Komura Y; Great Cold Investigators-I. Can we prevent influenza-like illnesses by gargling?. Intern Med. 2007 46(18):1623-4. Noda T, Ojima T, Hayasaka S, Murata C, Hagihara A. Gargling for oral hygiene and the development of fever in childhood: a population study in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2012 22(1):45-9. Sato K, Ohmori T, Shiratori K, Yamazaki K, Yamada E, Kimura H, Takano K. Povidone iodine-induced overt hypothyroidism in a patient with prolonged habitual gargling: urinary excretion of iodine after gargling in normal subjects. Intern Med. 2007 46(7):391-5. Fendrick AM, Monto AS, Nightengale B, Sarnes M. The economic burden of non-influenza-related viral respiratory tract infection in the United States. Arch Intern Med. 2003 Feb 24;163(4):487-94. Michael Greger M.D. FACLM. Can Gargling Prevent the Common Cold?., vol. 12, 20.02.2013. [] Эллен Уайт, , c. , год Япония болезни щитовидной железы больное горло вода грипп дети здоровье гортани здоровье щитовидной железы зеленый чай йод ламинария лихорадка полоскание горла простуда респираторные инфекции соль чай ПРЕДЫДУЩЕЕ ВИДЕО Are Cats or Dogs More Protective for Children's Health? СЛЕДУЮЩЕЕ ВИДЕО Titanium Dioxide and Inflammatory Bowel Disease