Нужна ли нейтропеническая диета раковым больным?
Пациентам с ослабленным иммунитетом, например, проходящим химиотерапию, запрещают свежие овощи и фрукты, якобы с целью защитить их от пищевых инфекций.
Пациентам с ослабленным иммунитетом, например, проходящим химиотерапию, запрещают свежие овощи и фрукты, якобы с целью защитить их от пищевых инфекций.
The Director-General of the World Health Organization warns that we may be facing an end to modern medicine as we know it—thanks, in part, to the mass feeding of antibiotics to farm animals to accelerate growth.
Употребление органически выращенных продуктов, видимо, снижает воздействие пестицидов и резистентных к антибиотикам бактерий.
Почему в США наблюдается самый высокий уровень загрязнения мясной продукции Clostridium difficile, устойчивым к антибиотикам?
Though prebiotics may be preferable, probiotics may reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract infections.
Probiotics may help prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and appear to speed recovery from acute gastroenteritis.
Expanding on the subject of my upcoming appearance on The Dr. Oz Show, a landmark new article in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that choline in eggs, poultry, dairy, and fish produces the same toxic TMAO as carnitine in red meat—which may help explain plant-based protection from heart disease and prostate cancer.
People eating conventional diets may ingest a trillion microparticles of the food-whitening additive, titanium dioxide, every day. What implication might this have for inflammation in the gut?
This week Consumer Reports released a study showing the majority of retail pork tested was contaminated with antibiotic-resistant strains of the foodborne bacteria Yersinia enterocolitica.
Sharing one's home with a cat or dog may decrease the risk of infectious diseases in children—including ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and gastroenteritis.
Young women at high risk for breast cancer given just a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds a day showed fewer precancerous changes.
Handling chicken can lead to the colonization of one's colon with antibiotic-resistant E. coli that may result in bladder infections in women.
Пациентам с ослабленным иммунитетом, например, проходящим химиотерапию, запрещают свежие овощи и фрукты, якобы с целью защитить их от...
Употребление органически выращенных продуктов, видимо, снижает воздействие пестицидов и резистентных к антибиотикам...
Почему в США наблюдается самый высокий уровень загрязнения мясной продукции Clostridium difficile, устойчивым к...
The Director-General of the World Health Organization warns that we may be facing an end to modern medicine as we know it—thanks, in part, to the mass feeding of antibiotics to farm animals to accelerate...
Green tea consumption may help prevent cavities, but excessive consumption among young children may lead to dental fluorosis, due to the natural fluoride content of the...
Cranberries may reduce the recurrence of urinary tract infections, but their role in treating infections is...
Handling chicken can lead to the colonization of one's colon with antibiotic-resistant E. coli that may result in bladder infections in...
Though prebiotics may be preferable, probiotics may reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract...