Что в продуктах влияет на уровень тестостерона?
Эндотоксины промышленного происхождения в водной пищевой цепи могут влиять на развитие гениталий у мальчиков и сексуальную функцию мужчин.
Эндотоксины промышленного происхождения в водной пищевой цепи могут влиять на развитие гениталий у мальчиков и сексуальную функцию мужчин.
Исследования в пробирке демонстрируют такие преимущества органических продуктов, как лучшее подавление роста раковой опухоли. Но работает ли это на людях, а не только в чашке Петри?
Men eating pistachio nuts experienced a significant improvement in blood flow through the penis accompanied by significantly firmer erections in just three weeks—perhaps due to pistachios' antioxidant, arginine, and phytosterol content.
Since both coronary heart disease and impotence can be reversed with a healthy diet, sexual dysfunction can be used as a motivator to change poor lifestyle habits.
Most young women get infected with human papilloma virus, the cause of cervical cancer, but most are able to clear the infection before the virus causes cancer. What dietary changes can improve viral clearance?
Because penile arteries are only about half the size of the coronary arteries in the heart, erectile dysfunction can be a powerful predictor of cardiac events—such as sudden death.
Cancer-causing viruses in poultry may explain increased risks of death from liver and pancreatic cancers.
Эндотоксины промышленного происхождения в водной пищевой цепи могут влиять на развитие гениталий у мальчиков и сексуальную функцию...
Исследования в пробирке демонстрируют такие преимущества органических продуктов, как лучшее подавление роста раковой опухоли. Но...
Cancer-causing viruses in poultry may explain increased risks of death from liver and pancreatic...
Men eating pistachio nuts experienced a significant improvement in blood flow through the penis accompanied by significantly firmer erections in just three weeks—perhaps due to pistachios' antioxidant, arginine, and phytosterol...
Since both coronary heart disease and impotence can be reversed with a healthy diet, sexual dysfunction can be used as a motivator to change poor lifestyle...
Because penile arteries are only about half the size of the coronary arteries in the heart, erectile dysfunction can be a powerful predictor of cardiac events—such as sudden death....
Most young women get infected with human papilloma virus, the cause of cervical cancer, but most are able to clear the infection before the virus causes cancer. What dietary changes can improve viral...