Butter-Flavored Microwave Popcorn or Breathing
Эллен Уайт, , c. , год:
Schachter EN. Popcorn worker's lung. N Engl J Med. 2002 Aug 1;347(5):360-1.
Kanwal R, Kullman G, Fedan KB, Kreiss K. Occupational lung disease risk and exposure to butter-flavoring chemicals after implementation of controls at a microwave popcorn plant. Public Health Rep. 2011 Jul-Aug;126(4):480-94.
Michael Greger M.D. FACLM. Butter-Flavored Microwave Popcorn or Breathing. NutritionFacts.org, vol. 14, 26.08.2013. [Youtube.com]
Эллен Уайт, , c. , год:
Schachter EN. Popcorn worker's lung. N Engl J Med. 2002 Aug 1;347(5):360-1.
Kanwal R, Kullman G, Fedan KB, Kreiss K. Occupational lung disease risk and exposure to butter-flavoring chemicals after implementation of controls at a microwave popcorn plant. Public Health Rep. 2011 Jul-Aug;126(4):480-94.
Michael Greger M.D. FACLM. Butter-Flavored Microwave Popcorn or Breathing. NutritionFacts.org, vol. 14, 26.08.2013. [Youtube.com]