Питание и изжога (кислотный рефлюкс) при ГЭРБ
Какие продукты следует употреблять или избегать для профилактики и лечения кислотного рефлюкса, чтобы не подвергнуться риску развития пищевода Баретта и рака пищевода?
Какие продукты следует употреблять или избегать для профилактики и лечения кислотного рефлюкса, чтобы не подвергнуться риску развития пищевода Баретта и рака пищевода?
Недостаточное употребление продуктов, богатых клетчаткой, может привести к уплотнению артерий, что связано с риском инсульта.
Might the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of plant-based diets undermine some of the benefits of exercise?
An independent review of the effects of açaí berries was recently published, including studies on immune function, arthritis, and metabolic parameters.
Natural monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors in fruits and vegetables may help explain the improvement in mood associated with switching to a plant-based diet.
Garlic and flavonoid phytonutrients found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains appear to protect against DNA damage induced by mutagenic chemicals found in cooked meat.
The melatonin content in certain plant foods such as almonds, raspberries, and goji berries may explain the improvement in sleep quality associated with tart cherry consumption.
The ability of eleven common fruits to suppress cancer cell growth in vitro was compared. Which was most effective—apples, bananas, cranberries, grapefruits, grapes, lemons, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapples, or strawberries?
A randomized phase II clinical trial on the ability of strawberries to reverse the progression to esophageal cancer.
Anti-inflammatory phytonutrients in berries may explain why cherries can speed recovery after a marathon—by reducing muscle pain in long-distance runners.
Measuring the effects of a plant-based diet on the expression of hundreds of different genes at a time, a research group found that an antioxidant-rich portfolio of plant foods such as berries, pomegranates, purple grapes, red cabbage, oregano, and walnuts was able to significantly modify the regulation of genes in the blood of volunteers.
Young women at high risk for breast cancer given just a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds a day showed fewer precancerous changes.
Какие продукты следует употреблять или избегать для профилактики и лечения кислотного рефлюкса, чтобы не подвергнуться риску развития...
Недостаточное употребление продуктов, богатых клетчаткой, может привести к уплотнению артерий, что связано с риском...
Might the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of plant-based diets undermine some of the benefits of...
Anti-inflammatory phytonutrients in berries may explain why cherries can speed recovery after a marathon—by reducing muscle pain in long-distance...
The melatonin content in certain plant foods such as almonds, raspberries, and goji berries may explain the improvement in sleep quality associated with tart cherry...
Natural monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors in fruits and vegetables may help explain the improvement in mood associated with switching to a plant-based...
Cancer cells are commonly present in the body, but cannot grow into tumors without hooking up a blood supply. Angiogenesis inhibitors in plant foods may help prevent this from...
Green tea consumption may help prevent cavities, but excessive consumption among young children may lead to dental fluorosis, due to the natural fluoride content of the...