Питание и изжога (кислотный рефлюкс) при ГЭРБ
Какие продукты следует употреблять или избегать для профилактики и лечения кислотного рефлюкса, чтобы не подвергнуться риску развития пищевода Баретта и рака пищевода?
Какие продукты следует употреблять или избегать для профилактики и лечения кислотного рефлюкса, чтобы не подвергнуться риску развития пищевода Баретта и рака пищевода?
От высокого кровяного давления, фактора риска убийцы №1 во всем мире, можно избавиться с помощью здорового рациона питания.
Недостаточное употребление продуктов, богатых клетчаткой, может привести к уплотнению артерий, что связано с риском инсульта.
Питание в камере смертников дает некоторое представление о стандартной диете на Западе
Most men and women who die of heart disease, our #1 killer, die suddenly without any known history of heart problems. Nut consumption, however, has been associated specifically with decreased risk of sudden cardiac death, which may be due to magnesium, a mineral found predominantly in whole grains, greens, beans, nuts, and seeds.
The whole grain phytonutrient phytic acid (phytate) partially inhibits mineral absorption, but has a wide range of health-promoting properties, such as anticancer activity. By concurrently eating mineral absorption enhancers, such as garlic and onions, one can get the best of both worlds by improving the bioavailability of iron and zinc in plant foods.
Two theories about the buildup of subcutaneous fat, involving the chemical spermine and the hormone adiponectin, suggest a plant-based diet may help with cellulite.
If the fecal fat losses associated with undigested pieces of nuts (due to inadequate chewing), and the tedium of shelling them in the first place, help account for why nuts don't tend to lead to weight gain, then studies on nut butters would presumably turn out differently.
The melatonin content in certain plant foods such as almonds, raspberries, and goji berries may explain the improvement in sleep quality associated with tart cherry consumption.
Men eating pistachio nuts experienced a significant improvement in blood flow through the penis accompanied by significantly firmer erections in just three weeks—perhaps due to pistachios' antioxidant, arginine, and phytosterol content.
Young women at high risk for breast cancer given just a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds a day showed fewer precancerous changes.
Nut consumption does not appear to lead to the expected weight gain.
Какие продукты следует употреблять или избегать для профилактики и лечения кислотного рефлюкса, чтобы не подвергнуться риску развития...
От высокого кровяного давления, фактора риска убийцы №1 во всем мире, можно избавиться с помощью здорового рациона...
Питание в камере смертников дает некоторое представление о стандартной диете на...
Недостаточное употребление продуктов, богатых клетчаткой, может привести к уплотнению артерий, что связано с риском...
Methionine restriction—best achieved through a plant-based diet—may prove to have a major impact on patients with cancer because, unlike normal tissues, many human tumors require the amino acid methionine to...
Men eating pistachio nuts experienced a significant improvement in blood flow through the penis accompanied by significantly firmer erections in just three weeks—perhaps due to pistachios' antioxidant, arginine, and phytosterol...
Since both coronary heart disease and impotence can be reversed with a healthy diet, sexual dysfunction can be used as a motivator to change poor lifestyle...
The melatonin content in certain plant foods such as almonds, raspberries, and goji berries may explain the improvement in sleep quality associated with tart cherry...